Exciting Announcement!
We’re thrilled to share with you the release of the “ROMANI INFLUENCE Whitepaper”, a comprehensive document that reports the findings of extensive desk and field research conducted in the Czech Republic, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, and Belgium. This research was carried out as part of the Erasmus+ project “Romani Influence – Support the co-creation, circulation, and promotion of minority music in Europe” (PAL SOUND), with the reference number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000086202.
The primary objective of this research was to identify the challenges and needs faced by today’s Romani musicians, particularly regarding their inclusion in the music sector, the representation of their genre, their digital music creation skills and entrepreneurial knowledge. It aimed to shed light on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent digitalization movement on the Romani music community.
The project partners conducted interviews with both Roma and non-Roma musicians across all partner countries. Their valuable insights and experiences have contributed to the rich content of the ROMANI INFLUENCE Whitepaper.
The whitepaper is available in seven languages, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of readers. You can find it in English, Czech, French, Slovenian, Swedish, Portuguese, and Romani on the PAL SOUND project’s website.
Dive into this enlightening research, explore the challenges faced by Romani musicians, and discover potential solutions to support their musical journey and enhance their digital skills.
Join us in celebrating this milestone achievement by sharing the ROMANI INFLUENCE Whitepaper with your friends, colleagues, and anyone passionate about music, diversity, and inclusion.
Find the Whitepaper on our website: https://palsound.eu/palsound/