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PAL Network is the first pan-European Cooperation among grassroots organizations aiming to support the social progress through education and employment!

The PAL Network was created as an initiative of the project “Fighting discrimination and anti-Gypsyism in Education and Employment in EU” (PAL) funded under the REC programme of European Union in April 2016. It is a European network for fighting discrimination and integration in education and employment of vulnerable groups (Roma people, Gypsies, Travelers and Minorities).
Currently PAL Network is counted 71 members from 23 European Countries.

The PAL Network provides activities for strengthening awareness raising and training priorities and policies based on the best available evidence, and guides the cost-effective use of tools, interventions and systems, in order to ensure and monitor progress towards national and European goals.


To strengthen the capacity of PAL Network members to work in integration planning and advocacy.

To stimulate, co-ordinate and conduct cutting-edge research in education and employment of socially excluded groups.

To prepare and promote integration policies to maximize impact on policy and practice.


The PAL Network is aiming to develop and regularly update the available information about the situation of vulnerable groups in Europe based on interactive research in the field of education and employment.


Youth Roma and vulnerable participation at different social and political levels by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices of Roma Youth, and supporting initiatives where Roma participation is a key to long-term change.


Youth Roma and vulnerable participation at different social and political levels by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices of Roma Youth, and supporting initiatives where Roma participation is a key to long-term change.

Join The PAL Community

Strategy Planning

Help and actively participate in the creation of a policy for the employment and education integration of vulnerable people.

Integration Process

Support the creation of educational and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups in Europe.

Networking and Funds

Participate in the preparation and submission of new initiatives in the field of integration and support of vulnerable groups of your country.

Local Communities

Be aware about the initiatives in your country.

We are a European Network for fighting discrimination and integration in education and employment of vulnerable groups (Roma people, Gypsies, Travelers and Minorities) that provides initiatives for strengthen awareness raising and training priorities and policies based on the best available evidence and to guide the cost-effective use of tools, interventions and systems to ensure and monitor progress towards national and European goals.


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