Exciting News Alert! The 5th newsletter of the Pal Lab Erasmus + Project has just been released! At PAL Network, through our PAL Lab project, we’re passionately dedicated to fostering equal opportunities and ensuring access to quality education for Romani children and youth. Dive into the latest updates, insights, and achievements as we continue our journey towards innovation...
The PAL Network Team is thrilled to invite you to an exciting 3-hour online collaborationto develop innovative project ideas for the 2025 Erasmus+ and CERV Calls! What’s in it for you? Brainstorm and refine project ideas ready for submission in 2025. Explore funding opportunities under Erasmus+ and CERV. Build partnerships with like-minded organizations across sectors....
✨ The #KickOffMeeting for the “Proud Ambassadors” project was a great success! 🎉 Through this project, PAL Network aims to promote the social inclusion of LGBTQ+ youth 🌈, with a focus on improving their mental health, which is often negatively affected by discrimination. If you work in the youth sector, mental health services, or are...
Yesterday, we held the final kick-off meeting of the PAL Lab project in Thessaloniki! It was an inspiring moment to reflect on our journey and discuss the final activities that will conclude this impactful initiative. At PAL Network, we are proud to have been a part of this project, dedicated to creating equal opportunities and...
We’re excited to announce the release of the 4th PAL SOUND Project Newsletter! As proud partners in this inspiring initiative, PAL Network is eager to share the latest updates and insights.The PAL SOUND Project is dedicated to developing innovative training resources for Romani musicians, celebrating their rich musical heritage, and amplifying positive narratives about their...
E-Social Game is Now Live! We’re excited to announce the release of the E-Social Game, designed to teach youth social entrepreneurship through gamification. It equips players with essential skills for leadership and positive social impact. Download now the “E-Social” Game: 📱 Apple Store (iOS): https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/e-social/id6578450183 📱 Play Store (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Games8D.esocial Through the E-playing in Social...
We’re excited to announce that the 11th Newsletter for the E-social Project has just been released! As proud partners of this innovative project, PAL Network is eager to share the latest updates and insights. The E-playing in Social Entrepreneurship initiative continues to focus on developing cutting-edge pedagogical techniques in social entrepreneurship through gamification, specifically designed...
Do you want to be part of an exciting project that promotes Romani culture, creative collaboration, and social inclusion through music? Here’s your chance! We’re looking for talented musicians—Romani and non-Romani—who are passionate about co-creating new music, embracing diverse cultural influences, and making a difference through art. As a PAL SOUND artist you’ll get to:...
On September 16th, 2024, the PAL Network hosted a successful online Multiplier Event as part of the European PAL Lab Erasmus+ Project. This initiative is dedicated to fostering equal opportunities and access to quality education for Romani children and youth. The event, aimed at teachers working with Romani communities, provided a platform to showcase innovative...
Reminder!Join us TODAY for the Pal Lab Erasmus + Project Multiplier Event📅 Date: 16th September 2024⏰ Time: 14:00 – 16:00 CET time (Online) If you’re a teacher working with Romani communities, don’t miss this chance to discover innovative tools like the Competence Matrix, Pedagogy Toolbox, and PAL Lab Platform! Click here to join: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTM2MWY1MTAtNDUzMS00NWZjLThmNTUtZWE5YTFkM2I2OTRk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d7277ce5-5483-4e7b-b5e3-be951c8a594d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22984127e4-66db-4551-8e94-0285ee4cab03%22%7d