Training will focus on educate young Romani regarding entrepreneurship foundations, opportunities in the employment market, guidance in creating a start-up, consultation on topics of employment interviews, capacity expansion through other initiatives (internships, job mediation, youth...
During training for Romani trainers and mediators, experts, professionals, educators and representatives from the education will share their experience and information regarding educational improvements and curriculum reforms, as well as, ensuring inclusive educational enhancements and...
The main objective of this meeting will be learning about the structure of the project, as well as the responsibilities of each of the participating partner entities.
During 5 days a pilot “PAL Camp” will be conducted with 16 Roma coming from the 8 countries (2 per country) and sent by each partner organization. Previous, there will be a selection of the ...
As Facilitators on Entrepreneurship Camps (Train the trainers): 1 trainer (preferable from their organization) selected by each partner organization, will be trained by the Experts from partner organizations as facilitators on the methodology to develop...