During 5 days a pilot “PAL Camp” will be conducted with 16 Roma coming from the 8 countries (2 per country) and sent by each partner organization. Previous, there will be a selection of the Roma by interviewing about their...Read More
As Facilitators on Entrepreneurship Camps (Train the trainers): 1 trainer (preferable from their organization) selected by each partner organization, will be trained by the Experts from partner organizations as facilitators on the methodology to develop these PAL_Push_Entrepreneurship Camps for Roma....Read More
Marketing: the door of success. The PAL Women partnership invites 14 trainers from across Europe to Bulgaria to explain the importance of the marketing, a tool to establish and strengthen your business. Second press release PAL Women!Read More
How to start your social enterprise. The PAL Women partnership invites 14 trainers from across Europe to Serbia, to make them acquainted with procedures to establish a legal entity.Read More
The Association of Roma Women Romi Serseni in Madrid and the women behind it, real example of overcoming and empowering THE ASSOCIATION OF ROMA WOMEN ROMI SERSENI (MADRID) As part of the compilation of success stories in relation to the...Read More