Our member


Albanian Association of Industrial Environmentalists - AAIE

This organization with its main scientific center body, aims to assist the social and economic recovery of the country offering a range of technical assistance, information and capacity building services:
 Performance monitoring, planning and support
 Evaluation design, data collection and analysis
 Development of monitoring and evaluation methods, tools, guidelines and manuals
 Health information system assessment and development
 Computer application and decision-support system
 Training in data presentation and use for managers and policy makers
 Short–term training and customized capacity building programs and system strengthening
 Evaluation research

AAIE through SRC&IT conducts qualitative and quantitative research on a variety of topics. Research work and project’s implementation have allowed this center to serve not only as an expertise but also as a good policy advisor for the different actor players in the field of development mainly for the government which is in the process of designing policies in different fields throughout the transition phase.
Vulnerable groups socially excluded have been our focus as the goal of human development is investing on people by making them active participants in the process of development, meeting their needs and creating possibilities for the realization of their aspiration.

The objectives of AAIE are achieved through various experts who in a very scientific and professional manner offer their expertise and contribute in the following project areas:
• sustainable social services to marginalized groups; gender issue and empowerment of the individuals to make individuals more active players in their community reforms and system’s needs;
• increase the national and local capacity through trainings (tailored trainings) of the training of local government authorities’ capacity;
• advocacy and policy dialogue are another important role of our organization related to vulnerable groups while working with government structure;
• stimulation of income-generating activities using the demographic momentum for the involvement of the citizens in this economic process, educating and preparing them through tailored programs to boost the economy for a sustained development;
• encouragement of the debate about the best path for Albanian development in remote areas;
• provision of assistance to disadvantaged groups of population like


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