Our member


Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion

Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion strives for a society where the target groups enjoy equal access to opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, have a voice in their community and society, whose needs are tackled by the institutions that have a direct impact in their daily lives.

Our vision is based on universal standards and practices of the civil society.  The mission is to empower vulnerable groups for the challenges they face supporting them with various formal and non formal activities that enable them to become active citizens influencing policies that are on their interest.

We operate through the follow objectives:

  1. Vulnerable groups have increased education and training performance
  2. Vulnerable groups are active citizens shaping policies that concern their interests, contributing for well being of the community and society
  3. Decreased level of unemployed Vulnerable groups
  4. Vulnerable groups are providing/organizing volunteer service at local community and in the European countries

To reach these objectives, our activities are designed as:

  • Local activities with Vulnerable groups (workshops, language classes, summer camp meetings)
  • Learning projects  (training  courses, youth  exchanges,  study  sessions implemented  on  local,  national and international level)
  • Mobility opportunities (sending and hosting Vulnerable groups)
  • Provide entrepreneurship education and facilitating funding for startups and businesses among Vulnerable groups
  • Developing education programs for working with Adult Learners (LLP, VET, private sector)
  • Following current trends in the development of NFE on local and international levels
  • Advocating and capacity building of Vulnerable groups for involvement in policy processes
  • Developing quality educational tools (manuals, toolkits, brochures)


Social Media
https://www.instagram.com/irmi.ngo/ https://www.facebook.com/irm.inclusion.eu