Our member


Kreo Association

Kreo Association supports the development and information on activities and
social work in the interest and benefit of the local communities. Areas of
expertise include skilling and professional development of different age groups
and social strata through various trainings and courses, towards supporting,
activating and organizing activities and supportive methods for vulnerable
groups like people in need (unemployed and poor), marginalized and/or
discriminated social groups, orphans, people with limited abilities, elderly, etc.
Besides active engagement and participation in supportive activities, we
emphasize traditional and local elements, national, cultural, archeological,
tourist assets, health-related activities, for the socialization of the target
groups, while raising and strengthening the legal and cultural knowledge,
community life, etc. We also encourage the development of policies and
strategies (including family policies) towards marginalized groups through
various trainings, development of professional skills, etc.

Our programs encourage initiatives to create an integrated and peaceful
environment for children. We support initiatives to respond to existing social
challenges, while establishing leadership capacities for children, creating
opportunities and providing perspectives and alternatives for children,
encouraging ideas and projects that impact the social challenges of children,
such as poverty, unemployment in the family and society, discrimination, etc.
We have provided and continue to provide training programs for the social
integration of children with limited physical or mental abilities, serious blood
diseases, etc. starting from conception, early childhood and adolescence.
Kreo has worked in rehabilitation of infrastructure for schools, hospitals,
cultural centers, country infrastructure and reception facilities for victims of
trafficking. Considerable efforts where put in improving the current
infrastructure, including provision of feasibility studies prior to the
impelmentation of rehabilitation processes, such as in the case of social
housing projects in collaboration with the Albanian Government, and technical
support for multi-communality projects. Kreo is also involved in combating
irregular migration in Albania and the wider region.

Kreo has also produced some programs on behavioral impact for discipline
behavior in Albanian School in order to reduce violence against children;
a national child help line ALO-116; public perception survey for “Women
Participation in Politics and Decision Making in Albania”, etc.
Organization profile
In a legal context, Kreo has developed 27 sub-legal acts, pursuant to the recent
changes and amendments „On Vocational Education and Training in the
Republic of Albania“; assistance in preparation of inventory of EU acquis
„Cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs“; assistance to line
ministries in developing a National Plan on European Integration; assistance in
the analysis of Albanian laws related to „Free Movement of Capital“, support
to the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministry of Economy in effective
monitoring of sector reforms; research and analysis and preparation of a new
draft law on Social Care Services in Albania, etc.
Kreo’s staff is involved in several instances of collaboration with public and
private Universities, public and private organizations and governmental units
for sustainable action addressing the abovementioned issues.
We also have a network of specialists for collaboration on projects related to
social welfare, psychology, sociology, special educational needs, social policy
interventions and innovation in the relevant fields.


Social Media
https://www.facebook.com/organizatakreo/ https://www.instagram.com/shoqata_kreo/