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Libanaises pour L’Egalite LPE

Libanaises pour l’Egalité is a NGO established in Lebanon  in 26/11/2015 under registration # 20386, officially recognized by the Lebanese government under Decree-Law # 412.

The Lebanese Women’s Equality Association is dedicated to addressing women’s needs by fostering independence and productivity, both financially and emotionally. Its mission is to protect women from physical and emotional violence, enhance their skills, empower them to achieve their goals, and educate youth to advance civil society.


  1. Eradicate gender bias and educate younger generations to support the development of an inclusive civil society.
  2. Strengthen women’s capacities and promote their physical and personal autonomy.
  3. Foster intercultural dialogue to uphold and implement universal rights.


N/A yet
Social Media
Facebook: Libanaises pour l’Egalité LPE