Our member



Liberitutti is a social cooperative founded in 1999 as a place for pursuing
community development and empowerment. We develop social impact projects
with a systemic intervention methodology: we combine different services and
connect a wide variety of stakeholders to satisfy all the different and multifaceted
needs of a community. We mainly operate in the Metropolitan Area of Torino in the
Mountain Areas of Piemonte Region, but have services and active projects in other
Italian regions: Valle d’Aosta, Lombardia, Liguria, Sicilia and Sardinia.

Our main areas of expertise are:

  • Adult Education (we are accredited under our National Agency as Innovative
  • Education Centre for Adults)
  • 0-6 Education and child services 
  • Disability (we run projects with people with intellectual disability and
  • Elderly people care and active ageing 
  • Social Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees (we run +10 refugee shelters with a
    total of +500 beneficiaries) 
  • Socially-led urban regeneration and Urban peripheries empowerment 
  • Women, Gender-based-violence victims and Single mothers empowerment 
  • Social Inclusion of Roma people 
  • Sustainable fashion 
  • Workfare


Social Media
https://www.facebook.com/LiberiTuttiCooperativaSociale/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/liberitutti-scs/?originalSubdomain=it https://www.instagram.com/coopliberitutti/