PAL Push






The project entitled “PAL Network for Support of the Roma Entrepreneurship” (PAL Push Entrepreneurship) in the framework of the Erasmus + Program “ΚΑ2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices” is aiming to develop a comprehensive approach and endorse a number of goals in training and employment in order to speed up Roma Integration and support the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies and the Council Recommendation of Roma Integration.
The project aims to support Roma participation of different levels, by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices of Roma and supporting initiatives where Roma participation is a key to long-term change.






Activities & News

The objectives of the project, in line with the selected priorities, are:

(1) Improving the entrepreneurial competences of Romani planning to run business

(2) Increasing knowledge and skills in establishing and managing the entrepreneurship entities,

(3) Delivery of tools to develop the entrepreneurial competence i

(4) Favoring the start-up of new Romani owned enterprises by providing the project results and tools to local training organizations and actor’s orientation/training/assistance and counselling services to the would-be Roma entrepreneurs, presenting an entrepreneurial idea to be developed and a specific training path for start-up new entrepreneurs.


  • To develop a training program specific for Roma based on skills for entrepreneurship.
  • To train trainers so that the training program is developed in different institutions also outside the partnership.
  • To pilot the Push Entrepreneurship Camps in different countries so to evaluate the differences between the participant countries.
  • To break the fears and motivate the Roma lead their working life.
  • To develop a sustainable network of universities, companies and NGOs and associations working for youth
  • To contribute to the “Agenda for new skills and jobs” by 1. Improving flexibility and security in the labor market, 2. Equipping young Roma and NEEs with the right skills of today and tomorrow, and 3. Improving the conditions for job creation
  • Delivering tools for establishing and managing the Romani owned business.

The project is developed as a synergy between partners from 8 different countries Applicant of the project is RomPraha (Czech Republic) and partners are URI-SOCA (Slovenia), Fondazione Leone Moressa (Italy), UC Limburg (Belgium), Anatoliki (Greece), OECON GROUP – Bulgaria, Open Media Group (Croatia) and AAIE (Albania). So, we have a partnership coming from 8 different countries, and each country partner has wide experience on the Roma Entrepreneur situation is in their country. It is very interesting that the partnership shares their experience for the enrichment of the content development of the training. So the first impact covers mainly the unification and integration of their experiences on how to train/coach.


Leader Partner: RomPraha, Czech Republic

Partner 1: Univerzitetni Rehabilitacijski Institut Republike Slovenije-Soca, Slovenia

Partner 2: Fondazione Leone Moressa, Italy

Partner 3: UC Limburg, Belgium

Partner 4: Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’ s Local Authorities, Greece

Partner 5: Oecon Group Bulgaria, Bulgaria

Partner 6: Otvorena medijska grupacija, Croatia

Partner 7: Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambientalisteve Industriale, Albania

More information about this project can be requested at [email protected]  but also additional information is available on its official website: